Sunday, January 13, 2008

Forget the Mullet... Fear the Flat Top

If you spend time around Paul Lee this week you might hear, "Marc thought of this."

I'm okay with this, i do have plenty of ideas-good and bad alike, and i don't mind being mocked.

But only by someone who can rock the flat top.

Anyone who can ride a style from 50 years ago into a new millennium deserves some sort of reward or recognition. No matter what, he has earned the right to say and do whatever he wants. Much like Chuck Norris, Paul Lee does as he pleases.

Sadly, Paul has changed his hair style, i will deeply miss the HPF drill sergeant, not only was it stylish, it was functional. But even though its gone, its not forgotten.

Fear the Flat Top.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I like the new style a lot better.

Marc said...

but can you rest your bible on top of his head? i think not.

Jeremy Harper said...

I think instead of going w/ the evolution from flat top to porcupine....I think he needed to move from the flat top to the....FLAT MULLET! That's right 50's on the top and party on the back!