Friday, October 10, 2008


Hola, buenas dias!

i hope you are ready to rock today!

we recently played at a big festival, which is a story about lessons learned that i will share another time, but in the pics i was shocked.

My perception of myself was different from reality... i looked different in the mirror than what i looked like outside... which made me think, where else do i fool myself? where else is my perception better/worse/different than reality?

how about you?

so begins the examination...

how did i get to this point? (insert random thought) how did our economy get here?

In my humble (wait for it)....... but very accurate (ahhh)...... opinion, i would say, in part, the responsibility lies in two areas:
1 Entities trying to do good wander from strong/good practices and with good intentions end up practicing bad habits

2 Lack of oversight and correction
My random thought is actually a thinly veiled analogy for my conclusion as how i got here...

So... i'd like some help with a portion of number 2 today, we'll tackle the remainder and number 1 in the coming posts...

Working backwards, i cannot oversee or correct my behavior and/or practices without having benchmarks/a set of goals to establish what my priorities and focus should be.

Open floor time…

What are some of your goals?

I would love to hear about your short(daily), medium(2-5 years), and long term goals and bucket list items.

Just to prime the pump, here are some goals and bucket list items I’m thinking about:

Run a marathon
Give more money away than I spend on myself/ my family
Be Christ to my wife, neighbors, city…
Reduce waist by 12 inches
Be focused on others not self
Carry more weight around the house when it comes to chores
Bench over 300 lbs
Run a 5k
Be 100% debt free, including house
Quit being a perfectionist and finding negative things
Become fluent in a new language
Have children, hopefully at some point a boy!!!!
Watch less TV
Discipline to follow and maintain the plan/schedule/diet
To treasure the journey, not just the destination
Earn industry designations, increase my knowledge
Lay it on me… what do you say? I will check this for the next year, so don’t be scared…help me out!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

find what you seek

Alot of people constantly ask me how they can improve their life/find true love/be happy in life...

the answer is simple... good music.

Check out these artist that are wearing my ipod out!!!!! Enjoy!!!
Amos Lee
Iron and Wine
Band of Horses
Ed Young (come on, get your preach on)
Paolo Nutini
Jason Mraz

I have to confess that Amos Lee is the coolest person that no one has heard of. You need to jump head first into the coolness that is his music.

My ringtone for my wife is "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.

I also assume that you all have worn out Ray Lamontagne's "Til The Sun Turns Black"-start there...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another big Question

my friend luke norsworthy asked in his blog "why are you a Christian today?" Luke answered by saying,
"The reason I am a Christian today is that I know Jesus does life right. Jesus embodied what people are intended to be and when I follow him I am being what I am called to be as a person. So today I remind myself that I am still following Christ because Jesus is the way."
i really like his answer, but at the same time i struggle with a perception i grew up perceiving.

to be clear, i do not put Luke into this category. i have just seen other people in my experience say things like this and be complacent in their actions/attitudes/lives.

i'm turned off by seeing believers appear to act right, while having a wrong focus or motivation...

i'm turned off by believers not maturing, not being changed, not loving like Jesus...

so what if you were wronged, so what if someone believes something differently-with grace we should forgive in the same way we expect to be forgiven...

will they know we are christians by our love? or by our judgmental actions and attitudes... what are we doing to the name of Christ, to his bride the church?

right now you are probably thinking "wow, where is he going, how did he get here, what time of night did he write this?"

and here is my answer, if one doesn't act like Christ, or have the mind of Christ, if the things that are the very most important to Christ, are not important... can that person truly claim the name of Christ? is that person really following Christ, or is that person lying to himself?

Have i died to the world? i say i believe that Jesus is the way, but does my every decision/thought/action reflect that belief?

where is my time spent?

where is my money spent?

am i truly any different than other nice people with good intentions that don't claim the name of Jesus? are you?

Luke started with the question, why are you a christian today, but sometimes i feel i have to ask...

am i really a christian today? are you?

(on a side note check out this lesson on holiness from Francis Chan-listen or watch... i can't get the following thought out of my head-you can't sing "Lord save us" on Sunday, when all week your actions are shouting "crucify him")


first of all, sorry for being quiet in this blog...

i realize that if anyone was checking/reading my blog i've been quiet for long enough to GUARANTY that they have definitely stopped checking in...

how hard it is to break bad habits... (i think of smokers...) how easy it is to fall away from good practices (in my life i can instantly think of 5 things without breaking a sweat, not to mention that gym membership...)

I wonder how long it would take us to sorely miss things if they went quiet in our lives... TV, family, spouses, always being busy, food, money, insert your response here...

also, after we got over the shock of missing something, i wonder what i would actually not miss anymore...

the crazy question is why don't i dismiss the items i really wouldn't miss anymore/that really should be quiet in my life?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oren Lavie

I love mellow grooves with a little grit or underproduction. I'm even more drawn to surprising uses of instruments not usually used in modern music (see my first post about x. rudd).

More on this in a second...

Tivo. God smiled when TIVO was made. Because of my DVR i've been able to escape so many annoying commercials about Adult Diapers, Erectile Dysfunction, or the latest greatest thing that i really don't need but after some cool graphics and an excited announcer i find myself strangely desiring... So thank you TIVO for aiding in the attempted escape from materialism.

However, there are certain events that have to be watched "Live"... like a college basketball game, more specifically, when the LONGHORNS destroyed Stanford and their interesting drunken tree mascot.

And when you are watching something live you are subjected to commercials, which, for the most part, is when conversation can resume, or you should make that long trek to the fridge. This one could not be ignored. After the first 5 seconds i knew i had to find and buy this song, enjoy:

I'm completely changed after hearing this new song. i wish i could say that i'm super underground and i'm down on what's being sold on the street corners in Berlin(only a few months ago this is what Oren was doing)-but alas i can't.

I can't believe that i found my new favorite song, and potentially my new favorite artist on a TV commercial, a TV commercial for a CHEVY MALIBU. I mean come on, a Malibu? Is this going to lead to me having to watch more commercials?

Check out Oren Lavie, he was even as cool as to personally reply to a question i asked him on myspace... he is my new Favorite Artist.

check out the song "Her Morning Elegance" to get your feet wet.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ash Wednesday + 1

I’ve never really held a high view of ancient liturgy. I usually gravitate towards and value the immediate and spontaneous experiences in my journey. But my appreciation of the ancient traditions is growing.

My previous view of the high church was that it was lifeless, not as relevant, that they were just going through the motions, maybe not being open to the spirit, stuck in the middle ages. I didn’t see the values in the ceremonies.

But the meaning and symbolism is rich, and powerful. My favorite idea right now is how the season of lent defines and reminds of us how we need a savior-that we cannot and will not do it on our own.

Even the decoration of the ancient churches leading up to Easter is a massive symbol. Everything is grey-all color is removed. (Much like ourselves outside of Jesus.) Then finally on Easter, the building is filled with flowers, banners, color, life and celebration because of our Savior’s victory.

I don’t know yet what I should do for lent, I have a few thoughts, but nothing that seems great. Give up Sugar, TV, every liquid except water, meat, coffee, being negative or critical, not purchasing anything except food and gas… on Father Ted (a tongue and check comedy from the UK) each priest gave up something special-cigarettes, alcohol, and rollerblading (the withdrawal effects were hysterical).

What would you give up for 40 days to focus on your need for a savior?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Where is Your Treasure, Your Heart?

One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

What does love your neighbor as yourself mean? One church in California thinks it means that you spend the same amount of money on your neighbors as you spend on yourself. Even to the point of not building a new building, but meeting outside in a park and using the money to be Jesus to their neighbors.

What do you think?

John Butler Trio

A friend showed me this over the weekend. Enjoy. Ignore the freakishly long finger nails-if you can!

which brings up a point, those fingernails are really weird. I'm serious, they are gross. I do not like them at all. If he was a friend of mine i would probably tease him about them.

But without them, he couldn't play the guitar the way he does. Without them, he couldn't create and share such beautiful music.

This is a further reminder to me that we all are different... and we can sometimes quickly point out the differences with a negative eye, dismiss them, judge them, and never understand them, enjoy them or celebrate because of them.

Just a thought...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bugs the Bunny -revisited

Remember the bunny marked for death living with the python?

Well, guess who has a new classroom pet...

Now, what do you name it?
Daniel-saved from the Lion's den?
Mr. Bunny Foo Foo?

What are your ideas?

Friday, January 18, 2008

New Series at HPF

The series we're doing for the next quarter is going to focus on how Jesus used the psalms. How he quotes them over and over.

Hence the title of the Series: What's on Jesus' ipod?

We are using modern songs with title's that convey the message, as an example-Next week is "Who'll stop the Rain?" and we will be discussing how Jesus stopped the storm.

so check out

We look forward to exploring how Jesus used songs, hymns and spiritual songs, and how we can too.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lessons from Bugs -the grey bunny

I gained some insights from a grey bunny, not an animated version, but a really cute fluffy bunny that looks similar to this:

You might ask how could such a tiny fluffy thing could grab my brain and not let go.

The answer is CONTEXT.

I walked into my friends garage (on the way into the house to watch my superbowl dreams get flushed away--11 years without a playoff win, arrrrrrrrgh-i still love you Romo and Jessica) and see the most adorable rabbit in a terrarium. My heart melted a little... but something wasn't right.

Because he wasn't alone, and this was, in fact, NOT his home-the context changes because even though Bugs is living there right now, its really a burmese python's home.

I told my friend, "That's a poor bunny, living so close to death..."

He replied, "Yeah, he's been in there for 48 hours, but he's starting to seem at home."

That's when it hit me-I'm a poor bunny.

Why do we allow ourselves to get comfortable with the very things that can kill and destroy us?

Do we realize how close we are to the end? Do we realize the danger we're in?

For some it could be drugs/alcohol, sex, pornography, food, credit cards, debt... For others it could even be positive things that we put out of order, or first in our lives: family, church, work, ourselves.

God, teach me to love you even deeper, I don't want to settle. Keep me from the real death, separation from you. You are first, you are last, you are everything.

Have you ever felt like i do-have you felt similar to this bunny? I also know that one could draw many different lessons from this experience-what comes to your mind?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Forget the Mullet... Fear the Flat Top

If you spend time around Paul Lee this week you might hear, "Marc thought of this."

I'm okay with this, i do have plenty of ideas-good and bad alike, and i don't mind being mocked.

But only by someone who can rock the flat top.

Anyone who can ride a style from 50 years ago into a new millennium deserves some sort of reward or recognition. No matter what, he has earned the right to say and do whatever he wants. Much like Chuck Norris, Paul Lee does as he pleases.

Sadly, Paul has changed his hair style, i will deeply miss the HPF drill sergeant, not only was it stylish, it was functional. But even though its gone, its not forgotten.

Fear the Flat Top.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Live on $2/day?

Some thoughts have been running through my mind today, and its all Francis Chan's fault! (check out the link on the right labeled "Strong, Relevant Messenger")

We, Americans, are rich. We don't realize sometimes that we are, but the majority of the people on this earth (53%) earn less than $2.00 a day. We, however, make 100 times that, but still fool ourselves into thinking that we are not rich. We are... period. And we get a lot of security from it-food, shelter, transportation.

Give us today our daily bread.

I was pretty content with my understanding of Matthew 6:11- on a shallow level:
Sure thing, give me what i need. whatever it is, just give it to me, green lights, good radio stations, boss to be in a good mood, you know...the things that i need.
Its so much bigger than that. Do i need God more than i need anything else? Money? House? Spouse? Acceptance? Food?

What do i really depend on?

Do i depend on God for my very life, for the things that actually sustain me?

How great it would be if i was more than "lukewarm." That i could be like Zacchaeus in Luke 19, and actually get "it."

Do i give to a point where it's a necessity to depend on God for the food i eat each day? Why don't I? Do i not believe that he will care for me?

How hard it is for an american (rich man) to enter the Kingdom of God.

How easy would it be to hear the same words spoken to the church in Laodicea spoken to the church in America:
"You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."
i would rather hear what Jesus says to Zacchaeus, "Today salvation has come to this house."

God, bring your fire into me. I believe you. I need you more than anything, i will find no comfort, no security, compared to what you offer. Take the lukewarm away, change my priorities, increase what's important to you in my life, take away everything else, your will be done, give me what i need for today.

what do you think this looks like in our culture and our community today? what are your thoughts?

Surprising CD

Sometimes its good to just be quiet and rest.

I haven't realized how much I needed this, until a good friend turned me on to this album.

Fernando Ortega

The Shadow of Your Wings

What an experience of just basking in something bigger than yourself. What's more impressive is that this "bigness" is achieved with just his voice, a piano, and a string quartet.

In its simplicity you'll find freedom in the classic lyrics, beautiful melodies, and perfect arrangements.

This cd really brought me to a place of contemplation and reflection. I've let it play through about 8 times today.

How about you? What have you been listening to? What brings you to a similar place?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Real Estate Joy Ride

Its the end of the world. This is it. You need to crawl under your desk and get into the fetal position. Your financial future is ruined, little Billy will never go to college, suburban housewives will soon take to the streets rioting and looting... surely chaos and "pandolerium" will ensue.

I actually find several people with a similar view. But I can't fault them, I'd buy into it as well if I only received my information from sensationalized reports, stories, and articles found in our news mediums.

How did this happen? Why is this view so prevalent? Indulge me for a minute...

Imagine you are driving in your car-radio blaring, wind in your hair-not a care in the world. And if you let me stretch a little, not a care for the speed limit either.
(Some regional real estate markets were let loose, unchecked. Perceived value and supply inflated the demand.)

Caution thrown to the wind, you sustain your speed. Just like Micheal Schumacher, you begin your attack on the upcoming corners.
(Demand is sustained at unprecedented levels, traditional money sources decide to alter their lending guidelines and buy into the over-valuation of property by placing large amounts of their portfolio into dangerous, poorly underwritten notes.)

In the corner you loose control, the car is sliding sideways.
(The percentage of foreclosures rise, mortgage companies become land owners, supply increases, and home values start to fall.)

You quickly flip the steering wheel in the opposite direction in an attempt to regain control, and the car wildly swings the other way.
(It becomes almost impossible to get a loan, many mortgage products disappear, values remain in flux.)

You slowly bring the car back under control. Your heart is pumping so fast, adrenaline makes you tingly all over, and now wisely you slow down, turn down the radio, and continue your journey.
(Values return to the normal range, underwriting guidelines are reinstated, Supply and Demand are kept in check.)

Now back to today. Two of the main factors of the real estate problem of 2007 was with no doubt, INFLATED VALUES and UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES.

Thankfully, central Texas, unlike Miami and California, avoided both.

So, crawl out from under your desk and tell little Billy he can still go to college. Sound judgment and portfolio diversification is the key. Find out more at:

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rock my world

If you are anything like me, you just can't get enough didgeridoo. Even if you're not like me, i'm sure you ask yourself at least once a week "Man, my life is so good, but how much better would it be if i could hear someone play a hollowed out tree trunk." Well, it would be this much better:

(starts it at 1:50)

Rock on.